More Bogus Lobbying Numbers from the Banks: Debit Interchange ...

This graph, sourced to the Nilson Reports. Here's the slight-of-hand: while the text of the ABA report make very clear that it is referring to debit cards, the graph ... This graph, sourced to the Nilson Reports. Here's the slight-of-hand: while the text of the ABA report make very clear that it is referring to debit cards, the graph ... credit cards between 2000 and 2003 was 9.9 percent, and for debit cards, 21.9 per cent. According to the Nilson Report(2005a), in 2004 consumers in the United States ... branded debit cards had beaten its credit cards for the first time in terms of total dollars spent on purchases. This isn’t an entirely new trend. The Nilson Report ... The Nilson Report is conducting its annual survey of Credit & Debit Card Issuers worldwide for calendar year 2011.


U.S. Credit & Debit Card Purchase Transactions Projected Chart U.S. Credit & Debit Card Purchase Volume Projected Chart U.S. Credit & Debit Cards Projected — Cards ... Debit card use is rising, according to The Nilson Report, a consumer spending and payment newsletter. It jumped from 47.7 percent of card-based transactions in 2003 to 58 ... Mastercard, Social Security, India, Credit Cards, Debit Cards, Prepaid Cards, David Nicklaus, Nilson Report, O'fallon Mo, St. Charles Mo The Nilson Report - Issue 862. Tags » Debit Cards, Interchange Fees, MasterCard » Comments (0) Debit cards, a gleam in bankers' eyes 30 years ago, have become the preferred method ... and checks (18 billion), according to the payments newsletter Nilson Report.

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