Cash for clunkers: Chicago Police want your guns - Chicago ...

Don Gwinn, Chicago Gun Rights Examiner. Don Gwinn has moderated The Firing Line and The High Road forums and serves as a Director of Illinois ... The city of Chicago has instated a gun turn-in program that will happen on ... You can even turn in BB guns, air guns, and replicas for a prepaid $10 MasterCard gift card. The city of Chicago has instated a gun turn-in program that will happen on ... You can even turn in BB guns, air guns, and replicas for a prepaid $10 MasterCard gift card. Receive a PREPAID Master Card: $100 FOR ASSAULT WEAPONS, $50 FOR GUNS, AND $10 BB-GUNS ... City of Chicago - Gun Turn In. St. Sabina Church, 1210 West 78th ... May 7, 2010 (CHICAGO) -- Mayor Richard M. Daley urged Chicagoans to give up their guns in exchange for a prepaid MasterCard as part of the Chicago Alternative ...


Chicago; London; Los Angeles; New York City; San Francisco; Shanghai; Toronto ... churches between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. in exchange for a $100 prepaid MasterCard. BB, replica, and air guns ... Mayor Richard M. Daley today urged Chicagoans to give up their guns in exchange for a prepaid MasterCard as part of the Chicago Alternative Policing Strategy (CAPS ... Anyone who turns in an assault weapon, a gun or a BB gun at any of the 22 designated locations will receive a prepaid MasterCard — $100 for an assault weapon, $75 ... However in order to receive the $100 Prepaid MasterCard, the gun has to be turned in on ... Chicago Islamic Center 3357 W. 63rd Chicago, IL 60629 773 436-8083 District ... Anyone who turns in an assault weapon, a gun or a BB gun at any of the 22 designated locations will receive a prepaid MasterCard — $100 for an assault weapon, $75 ...

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